How to Cut Wood Without a Saw

How to Cut Wood Without a Saw | 10 Best Alternatives

Whether you are a professional carpenter or a newcomer in this industry, you would like to create several incredible designs through the wood. The art of making design is dependent on your using tools. The saw is one common tool that is used in most of the cases. But, heavy-handed saws are painful for a carpenter or especially to a newcomer.


Without saws, there are several wood cutting tools in the market. Most of them are useful and easy to control in the cutting time.


Here, we highly focus on how to cut wood without a saw and ten best tools which are used to cut woods and obviously, there is no SAW in this list. Every smart woodworker has to know the alternative ways of chopping through the timbers with ease.


How to Cut a Piece of Wood

Without a Saw


There are available cutting tools such as knife, axe, drill machine, and much more for cutting pieces of timbers or branches. Using a Saw is the smart way to do this. 


But, if you don’t have a saw available or if it is damaged for any reason then you can easily use such handy tools.


Before going to the inner topic, we show here a table of our listed selections. See at a glance.


  • Using a Knife
  • Using a Drill machine
  • Using a Machete
  • Using an Axe
  • Using a Chisel
  • Using a Plane
  • Using a Router
  • Using a Lathe
  • Using a Hatchet
  • Using a Hookaroon

All methods are crucial & effective in reducing woods & trees without using a saw. Let’s start.

How to Cut Wood With a Knife

A well-known technique for cutting wood is to use a sharp knife. Though saw is the traditional solution to do it, a knife works suitably if you have a clear idea about how to use it. 


Generally, all types of cutters are available in all the houses for use in different purposes.  So, it is easy to accumulate in the home.


Before starting, make sure it has a quick or sharp blade as you expect. The tiny or thin piece of wood is better to slice than the large wood by using knives. 


One thing to keep in mind is that these sharp knives must be used very carefully for cutting wood. 

You can’t cut wood straight with it. But if you can create pressure at a 45 degree angle, you will be able to cut wood without any hassle. Wear the hand gloves and protective glasses for more safety.


How to Cut Wood With a Drill Machine


Drill machines are another popular way to cut wood. Small pieces of wood can be cut using a drill machine. As a carpenter, you need to use different types of wood for different purposes. Small pieces of wood are cut with a drill machine. Generally, this machine is used to create holes, you know.


Before starting to cut, make sure the drawing line of the woods. Then, start slicing through the line without any hassle. For controlling drill, users must hold on using both hands. If you are a professional, you can use one hand, but it is not safe.


If you want to get the finishing line properly after drilling, you can use knives or blades. Hand gloves are recommended for the carpenters.


Using a Machete



Do you want to get more options to cut wood? Don’t worry. Here is another one, you
can use the sharp machete and it is easy to use. 


Just point out the place of woods before cutting. With the use of this, you can’t cut the lumber as straight as the saw but can get the adequate sizes. 


According to the drawn line, apply force until the wood breaks while holding the machete. Another excellent thing is that you can use this to chop the rough edges.

Using an Axe


If you feel uncomfortable using the knives or machetes or you don’t have those, the oldest tool axe is perhaps suitable for you. Anyone can easily cut woods by using this. 


It is nearly impossible to ignore the sharper axe for cutting, not only several pieces of
branches but the large woods. Even users can enjoy plenty of cutting features like a saw.


How to use the axe?


For proper use, you need to mark the line in the woods so that you can easily slice your woods. Remember that you should not give pressure on it the first attempt and always keep a distance from the woods. After cutting one side, the other side should be cut.

Using a Chisel



Do you want to cut the wood without using the above methods or procedures?


Then, you can try this. Be sure you feel comfortable if you apply a chisel for finding the proper cuts. How?


First, you should select the sharper chisel that helps you to get sharpening edges. To start cutting, you need to carry it just using both hands. Don’t bother; a chisel is not so much heavyweight, so anyone can maintain this without any problem.


Don’t try to pressure directly on the woods. Needs to operate from the sixteen to twenty-degree angle. You keep your chisel on the drawn line of the wood and hold it using one hand. Plus, take a hammer on the other hand for hitting your chisel. You need to continue this until the wood breaks into two pieces.


Using a Plane



Without using a saw, you can apply the sharper blade plane that is perfect for depth as well as sideways cutting. It is quite easy to get better slashing your branches than the saw.


On the other hand, if you need to add the depth adjusted wheel, you can do this within a short time.  But Make sure it has a sharp blade and it is mandatory.


Using a Router


Another great tool is a router that comes with some extra cutting features. If you have a router, you need to adjust the gauge according to the depth of your wood. For working properly, you must ensure its quality. Try to push the router as well. You can
move the router just following its direction. 


Plus, you should do it continuously until finishing the cutting of your woods. Ultimately, you provide the pressure on the downward of the router handle for completing breaks.


Using a Lathe



We have already confirmed several ways of how to cut wood without using a saw. But, if you are not pleased, you can choose the high-quality lathe for cutting wood. It is highly recommended to make satisfactory furniture components.


Another excellent thing is that you can cut the wood quickly. 


For doing this properly, you must keep the lathe following the marked line of the wood. Try to keep it at the center of the drawn line. 

You first start it with low speed and push the horizon of the wood piece. And just before you finish, you can increase your speed if you want.


Using a Hatchet



The hatchet is the alternative way of axes. If you have no axe or other tools for chopping tinier woods, you can try the hatchet to get better cutting-edge. Using its sharp blade & shaft, users can easily operate this with one hand.


This tool is also used for creating multiple sizes of portions that you prefer to make furnishings. Though hatches are not as powerful as an axe, it is quite helpful and provides sharper cutting if you have the top-quality hatches.


When you start cutting, you need to provide forces as necessary. Plus, you keep your timbers at a decent height.


Using a Hookaroon



This super hookaroon tool is simple and easy to use. If you want to cut wood by using this, you will be able to chop within a short time. But, a hookaroon is not enough to get plain cutting like a saw.


Another option is the good quality picaroon that is used to chop the lumber.


How to Cut Thin
Wood without a Saw?


Thin wood is more difficult to cut than any other material. Most of the woodworkers like to cut the thinner wood using a knife or blade. So, when you start cutting, at first you need to check your knife.

Is it sharper or not? 

Without a sharp blade, you can’t work properly. And, you should sharpen your blade to use it more than once.

To provide a clear concept about this, we present here several steps. These steps are:




According to the category, you draw a line using the straightedge. For marking on the thin wood, you can use pencils and scales.



Keep the thin wood on a comfortable ground so that you can’t injure or affect yourself and also make sure to keep you away from a sufficient distance from the wood.



Move the blade and give pressure on wood gradually. Try this process until the wood is broken into two pieces.



When you finish the cuts, you will keep your knife in a safe place carefully. And, if you are a newcomer, you can apply this method to cut wood.

Frequency of Asked Question (FAQ)



Q-1: Can I use scissors to cut wood?


The straightforward answer is ‘yes’. You are able to cut several pieces of wood using the scissors.


However, the scissor is one of the hidden & large wood cutting tools. It looks like a missile and is about 12 inches long. It is used to cut through up to ⅛ inches thick plywood or down to ⅛ inches hardwood.


How to cut wood with scissors? If you use a scissor, you will have to cut straight.


Q-2: Is plywood easy to cut?


Plywood is a challenging & bulky item to cut directly. That’s why you need the perfect woodworking tools.


The best way is to apply a table saw or a circular saw and you have to follow some methods or rules to do this. For cutting fast, make sure the blade is sharp.


No worries, if you don’t use the table saw for cutting woods. In that case, you can try other tools to cut the plywood.


Q-3: What can I do when a miter saw splinters Wood?


Miter saws are well-known for the crosscuts in woods, especially the 2×4s size. A zero
clearance special insert needs to cut the bottom areas. You can choose anyone from plenty of inserts. 


The plywood’s thin piece is useful to make a backer board. Plus, using this backer piece, you can slash to the back as well as you can hold an extra endless and metal fence.


One fence is not enough to cut 45-degree angles so that you perhaps have to use two fences to get exciting things.


On the other hand, if you don’t like to use a miter saw, you may select other wood cutting tools.     


Final Thoughts


As a smart woodworker, you have to know the multiple procedures to cut woods. Sometimes, you don’t feel comfortable using saws so that you need to consider other options.


That’s why we have already shown several effective alternatives about how to cut wood without a saw. I am sure you have found the best alternatives to cut woods without using a saw.


Remember that all the tools are not easy to cut down sharply. So, before chopping the piece of trees, you should maintain the rules of manufacturers.

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