Best Vibratory Rock Tumbler

Do you love decorating rocks in your drawing room as a hobby? Then you must be in search of a rock tumbler to produce gems out of the utterly uneven rocks.

But rotary or vibratory, which kind of tumbler do you prefer? Well, those who love the originality of the natural rocks must pick vibratory ones. Not only do they take way less time than the rotary tools but also polish the natural artifacts into finely shined stones. 

As this is a very handy tool that is a bit expensive as well, you should make sure not to waste your money on average tumblers. Here, we came up with a review of the best vibratory rock tumblers as an aid to this issue. 

Out of the four vibratory tumblers reviewed here, our most favorite one is Leegol Vibratory Rock Tumbler based on its all-around efficacy. The rest three work equally well though! 

However, let’s proceed to further discussion on these irresistible vibratory rock tumblers. 

Best Vibratory Rock Tumbler In 2021

Below, we have discussed the top four vibratory rock tumblers in detail that can be the best buy right now!

1. Raytech Vibratory Rock Tumbler:

Who doesn’t want to have a view while tumbling rocks inside a tumbler? This luxury rock tumbler offers you the advantage of seeing how it polishes the rocks into gems, thanks to its clear acrylic lid. 

Raytech is a reliable name in manufacturing rock processing equipment. They make some world-class tumblers that smoothen and polish rocks with metal finishing. Their 23-001 TV-5 standard vibratory tumbler vibrates to create frictions with the aid of a 115V, 60 Hz motor. As a result, a wide variety of rock tumbling operations with great finishing is ensured.

However, the ABS plastic bowl can hold up to 4 lb rocks for polishing them without bringing any noticeable changes to their shapes. Yet, the gem-like finishing is something we really liked. And the acrylic lid is removable with sturdy craftsmanship. So, it won’t break down or fall apart even if you use the tumbler frequently. 

Another great convenience of this tumbler is that it comes with a power switch. So, it’s quite easy to operate even for beginners. 


  • Allows both wet and dry operations 
  • CE approved
  • Full view through the clear acrylic lid while working with it 


  • A bit too noisy while in operation 
  • The assembly instructions should be clearer

Why You Will Choose It

Truth be told, grinding rocks to an eye-catching finish without even changing the original shape is quite a hassle. In this regard, this Raytech Vibratory Rock Tumbler outperforms others having a powerful motor of 115V. Besides, the bowl comes with a 9.05 cubic foot capacity which is great at this price point. We highly recommend this vibratory tumbler as a reasonable deal with powerful performance.   

2. Leegol Vibratory Rock Tumbler:

Secondly, we have a professional-grade vibratory rock tumbler from Leegol Electric that comes with a very fast speed than any usual rotary tumbler. 

Talking of the prime specifications, it is architectured with a high-performance motor of 120V/60 Hz. As a result, you can run it for days without having any hassle. 

Another good thing you must like about this heavy-duty tumbler is the smooth finish it offers for the rocks. Moreover, the package comes with a vibratory bowl having the capacity of 0.05 cubic feet that is mounted on rubber feet.

Therefore, it stays stable enough while working. Also, the rubber feet decrease the noise to a considerable extent. 

Similar to the previous one, you can use it with both dry and wet mediums. The extra add-on it offers is the drain hose for easier use of the wet medium. 

Due to the heavy-duty motor, it takes very short to tumble rocks yet achieve professional-level metal finishing which we found out of the box.


  • Necessary user instructions 
  • 18 lb vibratory bowl with good capacity
  • Polyethylene drum and lid with wide enough opening


  • High price point
  • The construction could be a bit more solid

Why You Will Choose It

As a professional-grade tumbler, the package comes with three bags of walnut shells. So, you can start tumbling immediately which is an outstanding amenity. On top of that, no stainless steel media is required to clean the vibratory tumbling kit. Only a mixture of water and brass cleaning solution would do. Reasonably, that would save some of your bucks. So, give it a go before it runs short!

3. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vibratory Rock Tumbler:

On the third spot, let’s discuss an irresistible rock tumbling kit that is all in one in itself. The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC tumbling kit is truly a power player with the longest duration in operation.

Coming with a pound of rough rocks along with nine different gemstones, it is truly worth every penny spent on this kit. Besides, the leak-proof barrel does not make your surroundings messy when you grindstones inside.

Thanks to the easiest operation manual, even kids can turn the uneven rocks into finely polished gemstones. To make the stones shinier, it comes with a GemFoam rock polisher which delivers incredible gleam. 

On top of that, the time and speed setting option make it a great choice in the long run. You can even turn the rocks into beautiful jewelry with the help of five jewelry fastenings. All things considered, this is one of the best vibratory rock tumblers you can have right now!


  • 75% calmer than any plastic barrels 
  • The auto shut off system in terms of time and speed control
  • Reusable GemFoam for sparkling splendor 


  • Sometimes you need to restart it at the final polishing stage
  • Not compatible to grind a lot of rocks simultaneously 

Why You Will Choose It

Out of its countless benefits, the powerful, reliable, and durable motor particularly grabs our attention. You can literally master over rock tumbling with this heavy-duty motor that is power-saving too. So, this is literally an all-rounder as a rock tumbling kit including all features and equipment.

4. Eastwood Vibratory Rock Tumbler:

Last on the list, not the least though, meet an exceptionally good vibratory tumbler from Eastwood with a power-packed performance. 

To start with the features, the high-speed bearings are rugged and robust to perform pretty well. They last longer than any average vibratory tumbler in terms of speed and time. 

Furthermore, the large bowl it comes with is 7.5 inches deep which is more than enough to hold maximum rocks inside. The 15 inches diameter makes the tool handy to operate. 

Another excellent add-on is the high-torque motor. It is specifically designed to withstand maximum tumbling operations along with high-temperature windings. 

Even though the price seems a bit higher, overall you can call it a decent deal considering the heavy-duty operation. 


  • Pretty fast in tumbling
  • Long-lasting motor


  • Has overheating issues

Why You Will Choose It

It is particularly recommended for those who are tired of cleaning the materials after polishing them. Coming with a deep enough bowl, it saves long cleaning hours by delivering the ground parts factory fresh. What a great amenity it is if you have no time to clean the mess caused by a regular rotary or average vibratory tumbler!

Complete Buying Guide For Best Vibratory Rock Tumbler

Not all tumblers would do magic by delivering a smooth and sleek finishing to your gemstones. You need a power-packed tool to explore the beauty beneath those edgy and imperfect rocks. Below, we have outlined the salient features that make a tumbler perfect for rock tumbling with the ultimate perfection. You can use those as a quick checklist to get the best vibratory rock tumbler. 


While considering a vibratory tumbler for professional use, you need to choose between rubber or plastic in terms of material. Usually, the barrels and bowls decide the performance of this equipment. So, it’s very important what they are made of. We highly recommend choosing a tumbler made of rubber instead of plastic, for good reasons of course. Not only will it last longer but also give you a quieter tumbling experience. 

Barrel Size:

The barrel size is equally important to decide how great the tool will tumble. It depends on what purpose you are tumbling as well. Most beginners think that the bigger the barrel size is, the better it will be. We think the opposite though. 

For beginners and hobbyists, a 3-4 lb barrel would be okay. And for professional purposes, serious rock collectors can go with a 6-12 lb tumbler. 

Barrel Number:

A vibratory tumbler kit comes with either one or two barrels. Obviously, it’s better to have two barrels for achieving a smoother outlook at the final stage. Also, it enables you to tumble rocks of different hardness levels altogether. 


You cannot avoid noise altogether in a vibrating power tool like a rock tumbler. By nature, it’s loud. But you certainly can choose a quieter tool if the sound is an issue for you. As already said, rubber barrels make the machine a lot calmer. Besides, if you go for smaller barrels, they will reasonably make less noise as they will tumble fewer rocks at a time.

Multiple Barrel Configurations:

Sometimes you need to grind two different batches of rocks with different hardness. What will you do then? Buy a new tumbler? No need if your first one consists of multiple barrels. As tumbling always requires rocks of the same hardness level, you can put them in separate barrels based on their hardness. This will result in saving a lot of time and effort while tumbling two different batches at a time.


We always recommend a tumbling kit that comes with all the accessories required. Apart from grits and rocks, some packages include jewelry fastening, polishing foam, strainer, etc. No wonder those are called all-in-one kits to make you an expert in rock tumbling. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can You Tumble Rocks In A Vibratory Tumbler?

Answer: Absolutely, yes. In fact, a vibratory tumbler tumbles rocks faster than its rotary counterpart. Though it doesn’t offer as polished and perfect outlooks as the rotary ones. Still, they create magic by retaining the exclusivity of natural stones.

Q: Are Vibratory Rock Tumblers Loud?

Answer: Yes, they are. Compared to the rotary ones, vibrating tumblers are louder as it shakes the rocks inside by creating friction. 

Q: How Long Does It Take To Polish Rocks In A Vibratory Tumbler?

Answer: Well, it usually takes three to seven days for a vibratory tumbler to smoothen the rocks. Although it may vary depending on the roughness and amount of rocks.

Final Words

To conclude, we must say that naturally shaped rocks are the best. But it needs hundreds to thousands of years to complete the process. So, what are the quickest alternatives? Rock tumblers of course. 

Being man-made power tools, the best vibratory rock tumbler can turn the game on within a few days. You can reshape the rough rocks into polished jewels for home decor, jewelry, or other crafts. 

To help you make a wise purchase, we have some specialized suggestions. For example, go with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vibratory Rock Tumbler if you are a hobbyist. It is also the best buy for the kids. However, Leegol Vibratory Rock Tumbler is the overall best for professional use. 

Nevertheless, make your decision based on why and how many rocks you are going to tumble at a time.

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