How to Use a Pole Saw

How to Use a Pole Saw [Step-by-Step Guide]

Hey there! Do you need to chop off a few branches of the gigantic trees of your garden that you can’t reach from the ground?


Well well, using a chain-saw on a ladder or pruning a branch that is top of your shoulder level is never secure. What should you do then?


Don’t worry! A pole saw is here to the rescue! Yes, you read that right! Nothing can beat the role of a pole saw in this case, it’s the best tool for the job! A pole saw is a sharp-bladed equipment that helps you to prune branches above 13 feet or more, without the need for a ladder.


How to correctly use a pole saw? Well, its correct usage involves learning how to associate the rope along with it, and making the pruning of trees and bushes as easy as a cup of tea! 


Here’s an overview of a step-by-step guide on how to use a pole saw with a rope!

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use a Pole


1.             Clear the Area

Ensure that the working area is safe. Make sure kids are not running around and relocate your domestic pets if required.


2.            Select the Branch

Next, you have to choose the limb of the tree that requires being pruned. Majority of the branches often need provisional jump cuttings to get lighter.

Well, don’t get scared, you don’t have to sever all of them. Linear scale cutting is simple with a pole saw. It helps to chop off those branches faster. Therefore from now on, prioritize those certain branch areas while selecting!


The blade goes out from the edge of the limbs in which the majority of the pole saw cuttings.

Now you may ask, how do you do the jump cuttings? Well for that, you have to remove the branches from below. Make space for enough time to steadily do it. Don’t get too exhausted otherwise you may lose balance. You may take some rest in between if you want. 


3.            Position the Saw and Yourself

Maintaining the correct posture is one of the most critical strategies for pole sawing that you’ll have to remember when making a neat cut. Use both your arms to grip the saw in the right position, then bring it up steadily. Regulate the saw weight. And on the branch you intend to slash, rest it on its edge.


It’s time to get yourself a safe spot after you have correctly positioned the saw. To begin with, try to ensure that you are not standing right below the saw point. Just shift your standing posture to a reasonable distance away.

Then set the other edge of your pole blade at a position by placing the saw end onto the branch. When you deal with the versatile pole saw, you’ll most likely need to elongate to hit the spot.


4.           Start Cutting

At this stage, you’re all ready to make your first cut! At first, try building a wide groove, so that you can sway easily later. Go with the very first cut, gradually. Do so in a steady manner, and start making a parallel cut. That will give your saw blade as much scope as required.


It is very normal for the saw to slip off from your hands as you try to make the first cut. If so happens, then don’t become devastated. Relax, take it easy, then start from all over again!


After the groove has been formed through striking the pole saw all over, finally go ahead to increase the speed of the rest of your strokes.


You don’t even mistakenly take your eyes off of the chosen branch. Especially when it is about to drop from the tree because you have to be more vigilant about its downward direction now, please be prepared to move aside immediately as soon as you get very close to the branch’s felling line.  


5.            Continue and Finish Your Job

What’s next? Clear the land a second time before you start cutting a new branch. And then repeat the same steps again and finish your job.

Other Tips for Pole Saw Use

Tips 1:

To defend yourself against the dropping leaves and barks, you may put on some protective glasses just to be on the safe side.

You may also consider wearing hand gloves of leather as a shield to prevent yourself from getting prickled. Also, you have to ensure proper hold on the pruner blade. 


Tips 2:

To expand the pruner to the level you need to cut the branches, take the inner portion of the pole saw out of the external section. 

Secure the two parts of the pole in place either by bending them in reverse directions or by using a wing nut (make sure you have tightened it well, otherwise if it loosens while cutting, you’re gonna be in trouble!).

Remember one thing, the mechanism based on which you are to set up the pole saw varies from brand to brand. 


Tips 3:

Pullover the hook end onto a limb of the tree that you would like to cut. Move back onto the hook and branch to create enough pressure. With your right hand, tightly grip the pole saw in the correct position.

Next, stretch your left hand and use it to keep the rope positioned on the pole saw firmly.


Tips 4:

In a fast, steady motion, bring the rope towards the downward direction to chop off the limb. Make sure to immediately step aside when the branch is about to fall so that the crashing limb doesn’t fall over your head. 

If you’re alive, safe and sound so far, then move onto cutting the next branch in the same way! You can do it, right?

You can take in some inspiration from pro-skilled lumberjacks or expert carpenters! They always make sure to design plans to safely and effectively chop off the tree or branches before they begin. They use a rope and lever pulley after chopping out a huge number of branches to bring them down to the ground securely.


However, while cutting down the branches, if safety is your first priority, then there is no way to use a pole saw with a rope wouldn’t let you down! It can get pretty dangerous at times as well as out of control!

What should you do then? You can use a manual pole saw at this crucial time!


Final Thoughts

If you have understood how to use a pole saw so far, you may still have one question roaming around in your mind – and that is, if you can use a pole saw on a ladder, am I right?


Well, if you have a pole saw right next to you, you no longer need any ladder! However, despite having a pole saw if you still want to use a ladder, then go ahead. This can come in handy too. You can cut even further at the top! But keep one thing in your mind, the chances are that your posture may become unstable while monitoring the saw!


Also, when do we generally need to use a pole saw?

One, when we have to cut a branch that is located at the very top of the tree and

Two, when we don’t have a ladder around for that!

Oh! One last thing! Make sure you know the different functions of a pole saw. A pole saw is not really used for pruning a hedge. Instead of a pole saw, you will have to go for a hedge trimmer to cut the hedge with ease.

Happy Sawing!

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